Monday, December 24, 2012

Facebook is bringing search engine!

Facebook is bringing search engine!

[[ Whole cyber world is now talking about the upcoming search engine social networking site facebook. This news is published in Bloomberg Businessweek report.]]
First of all, is facebook really bringing search engine?
Facebook has brought lots of changes in the facebook timeline, group and page and so on. But they haven’t brought that many changes in search option.
The times of india news has said that, facebook officials have declined to to say anything about the upcoming facebook search engine.
Bloomberg Businessweek report  also said that, twenty four engineers are working on this search engine project under the former Google engineer  Lars Rasmussen. 
To give advantages to the facebook users, they are going to make their search option more strong. With videos, articles lots of things can be searched on that option said  Bloomberg Businessweek.
Now there is a question, is facebook trying to chase google? Like Google brought Google plus!

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