Monday, December 24, 2012

Protect yourself from unethical hackers!

Protect yourself from unethical hackers!

Hello everybody!

Few Words about hacking:
The most hot and spicy topic of the technology world is ‘hacking’. If you visit any of the blogging sites if there any hacking topic is written on that you can easily understand the famousness of hacking by seeing comment and page views. So, guessing how spicy is ‘hacking’ is not a difficult task.
At first I want to say hacking is not a bad task. Ethical hackers are always honored and beloved by all specially by the site admin. But if somebody have bad intension of hacking and deleting, that is not good at all. Those people are called unethical hackers or black hat hackers.

When a new hacker is born, generally he starts hacking with facebook, Gmail, yahoo so on. Though facebook hacking is not a easy task. Facebook authority always updating anti hacking scripts on their site.

Traditional Concepts about hacking :

There is a common assumption on the people of tech world, they always shouts when they hear the word ‘’hack’’, whether they understand anything or nothing. That’s really funny. But if you don’t know the hacking tips and tricks how will you protect yourself from hacking? But hacking could be a nice profession. Famous web sites are employing hacker to their companies to protect their sites.
But renowned sites always update their scripts. Hackers are more updated and they always create new hacking scripts. They always have different ideas to make fool the site admin.
But the main message from the post is that, we have to be smarter than unethical hackers. There are lots of ways of hacking. Phishing is not the only way. Mainly, gradually we have to know it.
Sometimes hacking is the matter of calibration like ‘’hacking of Jullian Assange’’. Jullian Assange could be the model of ethical and legal hacking.

Some tips for preventing yourself from hacking :

1. Don’t click on any unauthorized link.
2. Stay aware from facebook spams. Don’t click on spicy videos on facebook or others social networking sites.
3. Don’t visit suspicious sites.
4. Use powerful anti virus in your computer.
5. Use strong Password.
6. Don’s say your password to your friend.
7. Don’t log in in any of your accounts from yours friend’s computer.
8. Don’t forget in anybody’s spicy speech. Like somebody messaged you a very interesting thing like, ‘’hey see there is a site like Facebook. Please log in and see how interesting it is’’. Don’t go there.( If you do so and login you will be easily hacked. You will easily lose your Facebook account or other accounts like Gmail, yahoo. )

Summary of the post:
To protect yourself, you have to know hacking definitely.

Good bye to all. Take care.

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